Nigerian Healthcare Groups Christmas Dinner
Hilton, London Wembley, Lakeside Way, HA9 0BU
Step 1:
Kindly make a payment for £65 per person to :
Account number – 01518974 / Sort code 08-71-99
Account name – Nigerian Doctors in the UK.
Reference: Festive Banquet
Step 2: Generate a payment receipt or screenshot.
Step 3: Send an email with the attached proof of payment to ndukgroup@gmail.com
Step 4: You will receive a confirmation email within 48hrs
If you have any issues with this, please do let me know by replying to this e-mail and I should be able to sort any issues.
Unfortunately, we have not been able to secure any discounted rooms at the location, so if you would like to book a room, please do so as soon as possible to reduce costs. We will continue to work on securing a discount and will let you know if the current situation changes.
There is ample paid parking next to the Venue. The venue will be able to validate your tickets to offer you a significantly discounted parking rate.