MANSAG has brought together a rich body of highly experienced senior professionals who continue to collaborate to achieve MANSAG’s aims and objectives. Whilst they contribute immensely to the organisation’s longstanding history, MANSAG New Generation is driven by a desire to protect its future.
The ‘MANSAG New Generation’ group aims to create a network of young consultants, trainee doctors, health care professionals and students, who we hope will work together and tap into MANSAG’s wealth of experience to enrich themselves personally and professionally and positively influence the delivery of quality healthcare both in the UK and in Nigeria.
We know there are a number of younger health professionals and students who are passionate about the work we do, passionate about creating strong extensive networks with like-minded colleagues nationally and internationally and being part of a group where we can safely collaborate and share learning, practices and experiences.
As current and future leaders, MANSAG New Generation would love to support you in building those relationships and reaching your potential. In order to foster these relationships, the “New Generation” holds a series of educational and social events, which have historically been hugely successful in bringing a younger generation of doctors and allied health professionals together and collaborations on projects have already commenced.
So whether you are interested in finding a mentor within your chosen specialty, a student interested in organising placements, a Nigerian doctor seeking information and support to apply to UK training programmes, participating in medical mission trips, meeting new colleagues or you have an idea on how MANSAG can better serve you, we would love to hear from you.
Benefits of MANSAG membership include free entry to the annual education symposium, updates on mission trips to Nigeria, eligibility to apply for fellowship/elective grants and access to mentorship from a vast array of senior consultants in all medical/surgical specialities (more info available on www.mansag.org)