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Call for Abstracts: MANSAG Conference 2024

The 27th Annual Scientific Conference of the Medical Association of Nigerians Across Great
Britain (MANSAG) is just around the corner! We invite you to attend this exciting event,
which will take place in Manchester on October 25th and 26th, 2024.

1.      Case Reports:

Share a succinct summary of an interesting case and briefly review the relevant Feel free to choose your preferred formatting style for the case report.

2.      Audit and Quality Improvement Projects:

We are particularly interested in completed audit cycles that demonstrate improvement. Even better, showcase a quality improvement project using

improvement science methodologies (think Method for Improvement, PDSA cycles, and run/SPC charts).

3.      Clinical Research:

Format your clinical research abstracts using the ‘IMRAD’ structure (Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion). Do not forget to mention if you have obtained ethical committee approval where applicable.

4.      Education:

If your work relates to healthcare education, we want to hear from you! This should demonstrate your understanding of relevant literature and explain how your work contributes to educational practices in healthcare

  • Word Limit: Keep it concise! Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (excluding the title and references).
  • Visual Aids: You can submit 2-3 tables and 2-3 images, charts, or figures with your abstract. Remember that patient-related images require explicit consent.

Accepted abstracts will be announced on the 23rd of September 2024.

Send your abstracts in Word document format to

We can’t wait to see the groundbreaking work you’ve been doing!

See you in Manchester

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Opens: August 12, 2024, at 09:00 hours
  • Abstract Submission Closes: September 16, 2024, at 23:59 hours